All Categories - Gabriella Draney Zielke author

This craft essay was originally planned as "How to Worldbuild for a Brighter Future". It was my...
I find journaling in the morning the best way to start my day. That’s a thread all its own. Today...
Creating immersive experiences is a masterclass in weaving together form and function. The Back...
I walk my darling little Great Dane every morning that I’m on St. Croix. He waits patiently (most...
This is from my daily blog, The Daily Gab. I like to brain dump over my morning coffee. Join me! ...
It’s been a minute since my last post, but is time the same anymore? Am I the only one who feels...
Have I got some news; big news for me anyway!! My first novel, The Sound of Creation, will be...
You know those books that make you think? The ones that inspire you or help you understand...
"You can't handle the truth," the general says, spittle flying in an age before we were as...
There is possibly some Russian interference on its way! What an interesting start to a story idea...
A few months ago, I got to see my first big fire dancing performance at a local festival on St....
I’m fascinated by creativity, so much so that it’s the topic of my first novel. It is one of the...
Confession time. I nabbed a teenagers book the other day from her house. OK fine, her mom said I...
How do you get shit done? A friend asked this yesterday when lamenting the avalanche of tasks...
Worldcon76 is a wrap! For my first scifi conference/convention, it was eye opening, refreshing,...
An interesting exercise I'm working with is engaging your characters in the endless why. Not...
Leonardo da Vinci once wrote that artists need to "Develop your senses - especially learn to see....
When I started my gap year in January (call it a sabbatical if you want to be fancy), I went...
In my old world we call it personal brand. Social media accounts, websites, press, speaking...
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